Méthodologie et orientations pour l’identification des capacités des élèves d’inclusion éducative
Télécharger ici: met_fr
Manuel d’impression 3D adapté aux personnes handicapées
Télécharger ici: https://riubu.ubu.es/handle/10259/5755
Joystick / Push Buttons / Pulsador; Version 01
Joystick / Push Buttons / Pulsador; Version 02
Teacher’s user manual: Searching for 3D print assistive technology devices.
Download here: ManualSearching3D
3D printing manual adapted to people with disabilities:
Download here: https://riubu.ubu.es/handle/10259/5478
Modelos 3D. Sesión 2
Download here: https://riubu.ubu.es/handle/10259/5099
Teacher’s manual: Making pushbuttons by 3D print/ Manual del docente: Fabricación de pulsadores mediante impresión 3D (spanish)
Pushbuttons materials/ Materiales pulsador (Spanish)